Ageing Well Service

Ageing Well Events and Trips

  • Various dates
  • Various locations

Community Wellbeing Service

Ageing Well

Ageing Well Events and Trips

  • Various dates
  • Various locations

As part of our thriving Friendship Café we organise events and trips to enable our older residents to enjoy a broader range of opportunities in Cirencester and beyond!

We aim to keep these events to a minimum cost and give everyone the support they need to get the confidence to attend them.

Recent trips and events include tea at the Royal Agricultural University, trips to Batsford Arboretum and Corinium Cinema.

We’ve also had a performance by Tetbury Ukulele Band at our Friendship Café as well as history talks from authors and Chedworth Roman Villa as part of the first Cirencester History Week.


For further information, please contact:

Kim Kimbell
  • 01285 380 035
  • 07701 301 548