Ageing Well Service

Churn Good Neighbours

  • Ongoing
  • The Churn Project and out in the community

Community Wellbeing Service

Ageing Well

Churn Good Neighbours

  • Ongoing
  • The Churn Project and out in the community

Our Churn Good Neighbours service in Cirencester and the surrounding villages is a free and confidential service available to anyone over 60 who is living alone.

We match people with a volunteer befriender who can make regular phone calls or visits to their home. The befriender will not take on other things such as personal care and household tasks but, with the help of Churn Project staff, they can signpost to other organisations that may be able to offer more support.

The Churn Good Neighbours service is a very successful cornerstone of The Churn Project’s work. Our volunteer befrienders, and the older people they are matched with, gain hugely from the befriending experience and both love the friendships that are made.

To find out more about accessing the service, or becoming a volunteer befriender, please contact Kim.

For befriending services outside of the Cirencester area, you can use the Befriending Networks Directory to find a suitable service.


For further information, please contact:

Kim Kimbell
  • 01285 380 035
  • 07701 301 548